
Resolving Post-Calving Inflammation ASAP
For most heifers and cows, the natural and necessary inflammation associated with calving resolves within the first few days of lactation. But for a minority, transition inflammation may persist and quickly become costly — lost milk production, increased disease, lower fertility. Michigan State’s Dr. Barry Bradford answers: What can you do at the herd level — nutritionally and cost-effectively — to support speedy resolution of post-calving inflammation?

Protein for Transition
Protein for Transition
In high-producing dairy cows, a top priority is accurately meeting — but not exceeding — energy needs. However, toward the end of gestation, cows also mobilize amino acids (AA) from available protein sources, including skeletal muscle. Purdue University’s Dr. Jackie Boerman suggests AA dietary support for muscle in dry cows and during early lactation may be economical insurance for a strong transition.

Rethink Transition Ketosis
Why? Because changes in circulating NEFA, ketones, and calcium actually support high milk yield in healthy, high-producing cows. “Don’t mess with high production,” says Dr. Lance Baumgard of Iowa State University.

Targeted Fatty Acid Supplementation
Get Results with Targeted Fatty Acids
“A bag of fat is not just a bag of fat,” says Michigan State’s Dr. Adam Lock.
“You cannot know what to expect from feeding it without — at minimum — knowing its fatty acid profile.”
Recent research shows positive results in the transition period and carry-over into peak lactation with targeted feeding of palmitic (C16:0) and oleic (C18:1) acid blends.